Total fleet management is our all-comprising solution for the comprehensive and effective management of the modern day fleet.
Irrespective of the size and type of your fleet, our primary objective is to provide you with peace of mind, knowing that our pro-active fleet management is maximizing the life of all of the tyres on your fleet, therefore reducing your overall fleet operating costs.
The aforementioned fleet health inspection was only one item out of several when we help you manage your fleet. Besides regular inspectors, we also provide bespoke electronic fleet reporting, carefully times and selected commercial tyre services, tyre policies tailored to your specific needs and efficient breakdown response.
While each one of these on their own would be an asset to all modern day fleets, it is only by combining them all together that the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts and real fleet efficiency savings can be made.
The diagrams below shows the complete process of Total Fleet Management: